As promised, Mahindra has launched its new off-road SUV called Mahindra Thar on the occasion of 74th independence day of the country and the new vehicle is coming with the quantum leap of the current version. The newly launched version coming features packed, technology rich, and designed to meet the current as well as the future safety and emission norms. So, without wasting any time let’s dive into the article to check out the complete specifications along with the pricing and availability details of the vehicle.
The latest Mahindra Thar is coming with soft-top and hard-top versions, the vehicle retains the familiar silhouette but offers the new grille. The company has raised the hood for enhanced pedestrian protection and the same features wider bumper and wheel arches with integrated turn indicators and LED daytime running lights. It also offers vertically-stacked taillights along with the LED.
It also comes with a redesigned cabinet as the new Mahindra Thar offers 7 inch infotainments system with the smartphone connectivity and adventure gauges to give you real-time information on vehicle articulation, power delivery, and other important information. Moreover, it also features a new instrument cluster with a coloured TFT MID unit, steering-mounted controls, weather-resistant switches, cruise control, roof-mounted speakers and more.
The off-road SUV is coming with bucket seats and washable upholstery and the company brings the VIN plate on the dashboard instead of under the hood. It also features safety elements and that includes dual front airbags, ABS, ESP, Hill Hold and Hill Descent Control, built-in roll cage with three-point seatbelt for all passengers, ISOFIX anchors for child seats, and more.
Under the hood, the Mahindra Thar powered by the all-new 2.0-litre mStallion turbo petrol engine which will offer 150 bhp and 320 Nm of peak torque. While the diesel comes from the familiar 2.2-litre mHawk oil burner that produces 130 bhp and 320 Nm of peak torque, and both of them are paired with a 6-speed manual transmission, and the same will also arrive with the new 6-speed torque converter automatic. The model sports a manual shift 4×4 transfer case and it features an independent suspension at the front while the rear gets a multi-link unit.
The company will start selling from October 2, 2020, and the pre-order will start on the same day.
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